Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 85 - 2 days in a row!

Wow, 2 days in a row. Amazing! I kid...(a little). Anyways, going to keep this real short since I have to sleep and wake up extra early tomorrow for my 1st day of the bar exam. I ran/walked a little extra today to get rid of some stress. It helped that President Obama was on TV, the guy is truly inspiring. He pumped me up. :) Anyhow, wish me luck peops and I hope to post tomorrow! g'night and sweet dreams!

2.5 miles run; 41 minutes flat; 418 calories burned.

Day 84 - HA

So, I didn't run the next day after all.  HA!  Well I think I have a valid excuse. The running and a new work out regimen will start next week, so get ready for some results. I'm getting pumped just thinking about it. Anyways, I felt like a slob today, so I decided to get some running in tonight. Interesting thing while I was doing my 2, a segment about Richard Simmons was on Nightline. It was really inspiring to watch and to learn that the man is still trying to make others aware of fitness and health at the age of 60! And he's still leading 2 aerobics classes a week at his gym! Wow. I really feel like a bum now. I need get off my butt and get in shape.

2 miles run; 32 minutes flat; 339 calories burned.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 78 - Wow I'm a SLACKER!

So yes, I haven't posted for a while because I haven't run for a while: a day over 2 weeks to be exact. I've been quite entrenched in my work and studies that I was unwilling to dedicate time to running. As a result, I've been getting fatter (I feel) and stressed and restless. So I decided to run tonight to relieve some of that built up stress. 

Boy did it feel good to run today.

I feel a little more relaxed and at ease. My mind is a bit clearer. My body is a bit looser. Running is the cure for everything! LOL. Hopefully I'll remember this feeling tomorrow and run again. But for now, back to the books.

2 miles run; 33 minutes 1 second; 348 calories burned.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 63 - Getting back on track

Hi Internet,
I know I've been absent for the last few days...I'll give you some excuses for not blogging and more importantly, not exercising as I should. Outside of my work schedule, I've been doing some studying for an upcoming exam I'm taking at the end of this month. As a result, at the end of the day I'm totally exhausted and need some down time. I know, the down time should be when I'm running on the treadmill, but I don't think I'm at that point yet of enjoying the running. ;P

I made a great discovery during a break at Borders, where I studied yesterday. I came upon Runner's World magazine. I grabbed it off the shelf and started to peruse thinking that I would fine some nice tips for running and building up energy. Let me tell you, it's a great magazine and really opened my eyes to the world of running. I'm going to turn to that magazine from now on and I recommend you g o check it out!

2 miles run; 30 minutes and 30 seconds; 351 calories burned.