Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 59

Hello Internet!
So these days, I've been finding it hard to get myself to run. Whether it be lack of energy (possibly due to lack of sleep maybe?) or just lack of motivation, the past few days have been tough. Yesterday, I made a half assed attempt to exercise by getting on the stationary bike for 30 minutes. If I keep going at this rate, I don't think I'll ever get into shape. Also, my diet has been going down the drain. I ate nothing but carbohydrate loaded dinner last night. It was good then, but probably not the best of choices.

This morning, instead of running, I decided to do some weight training. I will list the routine I did below. It did feel good to lift some weight and I'm thinking maybe I should alter my days with running and weight training. Running has indeed gotten extremely boring, and it doesn't help that I'm on a treadmill going nowhere fast. Maybe the change in routine will lead to something good? We'll see.

Also, has anyone ever heard about this fruit called the "Acai"? I hear that it has some very good health and energizing properties. I'll investigate further and let you know of my findings.

Today's workout:
1. Warmup set: 15 reps of 100 lbs
2. Set 1: 15 reps of 140 lbs
3. Set 2-4: 12 reps of 140 lbs

Shoulder Press
1. Warmup set: 14 reps of 40 lbs
2. Set 1&2: 15 reps of 50 lbs
3. Set 3&4: 14 reps of 60 lbs

1. Set 1: 15 reps of 100 lbs
2. Set 2&3: 14 reps of 100 lbs
3. Set 4: 15 reps of 100 lbs

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 58

More snow today..., but it's not the nice fluffy snow, it's more of the wet, sleety stuff.  I wish it would snow a lot!

Anyways, didn't run this morning, but instead did some bike for 30 minutes. I thought it would be a good change of pace. Running is becoming exhausting and tiresome. I'll try to do some more tonight...

Quote of the day: "If you are what you eat, and you don't know what you're eating, then do you know who you are?"

0 miles run; but 30 minutes BIKED.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 56

Hi Internet,
I took a 4 day leave of absence from running.  Yes I know, I'm slacking, but I can't help it, I'm so damn tired these days! From work, to studying, to running... it's getting quite tough to manage the time and to gather the energy to run. I think the lack of energy for me is the killer. I've been taking a daily vitamin, but I don't feel that it is having any particular effect. I will do some more research to find some other alternatives that could provide a boost in energy. Any recommendations are welcome.

1.5 miles; 28 minutes 30 seconds; 255 calories burned.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 51

Good Morning Internet folks!
Going to keep today short and sweet. Didn't have much energy to run today so I did a mile and did some benchpress.  I've been thinking about integrating more weight lifting into my regimen, especially upper body.  The running is good, but it appears that it's only making my legs more muscular.  Maybe that's just the start of the process?  Until I figure out, I will continue to run, but make more use of my Bowflex.  LOL.  Have a good one.

1 mile mostly walked; 16 minutes 12 seconds; 153 calories burned.
1 set of 10 reps @ 100lbs (warmup)
4 sets of 10 reps @ 140lbs.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 50 - Happy OBAMA Day!

Glorious Morning Internet...
Today will be a historical day in U.S. and World History.  Who would have thought that the U.S would be inaugurating it's First African American President?  And who would have thought I would be alive to see this happen?  I feel a great sense of pride today because I know it's possible that people can change and that minorities can strive to become great people and leaders. I wonder if I'll ever see the First Asian-American U.S. President? All in all, I know that this past election has aroused in me a sense of obligation to help serve others and has awakened in me an interest in politics.  I think after February, when I have more time, I will go to the Democratic Party office in my county to see how I can help.  I'm looking forward to it.  Enjoy and reflect this amazing day people... Days like this only come once in a lifetime~

2 miles run; 31 minutes 20 seconds; 356 calories burned.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 49

Hi Internet,
1st day of the new week.  The weekend off from running was a much needed one; my body enjoyed the rest.  I'm thinking that time off for rest IS a good thing... as long as I don't get too complacent. I got up early this morning and ran 2.5 miles.  It felt good running because my legs weren't sore. I got a good run in.  Hopefully this work week will be just as good.

2.5 mile runs; 38 minutes 1 second; 451 calories burned.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 46

Holy cow...
I'm soooo tired.  I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and about 5 the night before. I know to some of you that's probably enough, but for me...I think I need some more hours. I can barely keep my eyes open right now, but I'm still writing this post! I didn't run yesterday, simply b/c I got home at around 11:30pm and was completely lacking energy and motivation to run. So I missed another day. I'm thinking that I should rest every other day and maybe run 4 miles on my running days b/c I've been lacking the energy to run. Maybe my body needs time to rest and heal? I've been taking vitamins, but I don't feel like it's really working. I just began taking these vitamins made by New Chapter Organics called Every Man's One Daily. I'm sure it's providing me with the vitamins my body needs, it's just that I don't feel any effects from it. Maybe I need to take some more vitamins? Vitamin C perhaps? I need some "Doctorly" advice (AHEM) :)

Stay warm peops, it's brutally cold today and is supposed to stay that way over the next couple days. 'Til tomorrow, CIAO!

2 mile run, 31 minutes 8 seconds; 356 calories burned.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 44 - The Struggle

Hey Internet,
Got up at 6 am to do my 2 miler this morning. I haven't gotten up this early in the morning for a while. Although I was tired, it did feel good to get up early. Maybe I'll start doing this from now on. I am feeling a little sleepy though right now and it's only 9:22 am. Maybe I should get a cup of coffee. :P

I titled today's blog "The Struggle" because I feel like my journey has been a struggle. I feel like I'm stuck and not getting to the place where I want to be: less fatty. I know it has only been a little over a month and I am seeing results, mostly in my calf and thigh muscles. But I wish I could see quicker results in my mid section. I'm sure I need to be more patient with myself and stay consistent with the running. But maybe I also have to do other types of exercise? Until the end of February, I will maintain the running, because I will be busy with work and studying. However, in March, I will run and also start a new program, which I will discuss in a later post. I hope though over the the next 2 months, I will see results from the running...until then, I'll remain positive..."STAY POSITIVE!"

2 miles run; 30 minutes and 26 seconds; 357 calories burned.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 43

Hey Internet...I'm back!
Back from my 3 (technically 4 day) trip back from lovely Las Vegas.  I wish I could have stayed longer... the weather and scenery were so beautiful.  Maybe I'll buy a vacation house out there soon, we'll see.  Although it was nice there, it IS indeed very nice to sleep in my own bed.  I arrived at 5:30 am yesterday morning and I crashed at 10 pm last night.  I was so busy during the trip and so tired yesterday that I had no opportunity to run.  I did do my 2 miler this morning and it felt pretty damn good to run.  But yes, I have 4 days of running I have to make up this week. That shouldn't be a problem though. :)

2 miles run; 30 minutes 45 seconds; 355 calories burned.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 38

Hey Internet!
It's cold and icy and rainy and ugly outside today.  Kind of a "blah" day for running, but I did it anyways.  Well mostly body wasn't up to it I think.  But I did it, and I can say I did it so I'm happy about that.  I didn't give in.  I'm just wondering how I'm going to do the running in Las Vegas this Thursday through Sunday when I'm at the CES show.  The hotel I'm staying at has a gym, but I think there is an absurd fee attached.  Something like $50 a day.  I'm going to see if I can get that comped.  If not, then I might have to run outside along the strip!  Anyone interested in running with me?  LOL  Maybe I'll bring a camcorder, document it, and post it up on youtube.  That would be an interesting and unusual experience, wouldn't it?

I learned about this blog today from called "".  It was started by a lady named Giyen Kim and she's chronicling about her life and her struggles with losing weight.  Let me just say that it was very nice to read about a fellow Korean American who is sharing with the world her issues about life and health.  I applaud her for that and I will definitely read her daily blogs from now on and I hope you will too.

Have a great day and keep striving!

2 miles run, ok mostly walked; 34 minutes 47 seconds; 339 calories burned.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 36 Off, Day 37 today

Hey Internet,
I decided to take Day 36 off.  I had so much crap to take care of and was so exhausted that I had no energy to run yesterday.  I though I would make up for it by running 4 miles this morning, but I woke up late.  Maybe I'll make up for it tonight, we'll have to see.  

Just started to use Twitter and it's pretty cool and addictive.  I think I'll use it frequently during my trip out to CES.

2 miles run; 29 minutes 6 seconds; 364 calories burned.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 35

Hey all,
I missed Saturday (was quite tired) so I made up for it today.  Ran/Walked 4 miles and let me tell you, it was tough.  My legs are a little sore, which means they will be super sore tomorrow.  I can't wait! :P  But I did it, so I'm happy that I accomplished that today.

I'm going on a business trip this coming Thursday until Monday morning and I'm wondering how I'm going to do my runs.  I'm headed out to Las Vegas for the CES show and the hotel I'm staying at has a gym, but I have to pay $50 for it.  What the heck, right?  I mean I could run outside, but it might get cold and I'll be that funny looking guy who'll be running along the Strip alone.  HA wouldn't that be funny?  Who goes to Vegas and runs?  Maybe I'll take my camera along and take some pics along the way?  I have no clue, any suggestions?

4 miles run/walked; 75 minutes 17 seconds; 680 calories burned.  DAMN TIRED!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 33 - I ran today, I did!

Hey all,
Sorry for the late post...I DID RUN TODAY!  Did the 2 miler, I thought it would be difficult since I snowboarded yesterday... however, it wasn't as bad as I thought.  I was able to cruise right through it.

So, I've been doing this running thing for the past month now.  I've made some progress: I can run for extended periods of time now and am running at a consistent basis.  I have never stuck to a program like this and I'm a little happy for myself.  Although I don't see any results, I'm sure they will come eventually and the added bonus is that I feel good mentally because I'm sticking to the running.  I think what's helping me go through this is this blog.  Somehow I feel accountable to posting every day even though there are only like 2 people reading up on it (thanks guys :P).  Anyways, I'm going to keep doing (at least for the year) so I can track the progress.  Only 11 more months to go!!

2 miles ran; 30 minutes; 370 calories burned.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 32 - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Wow, it's 2009, where did 2008 go??
It's a start to a new year and I hope some new years resolutions to get into shape.  I ran 2 miles on Dec. 31st and I literally thought I wasn't going to make it.  My body was screaming at me, "Don't run today!  Just relax!"  I so wanted to take the day off, but I didn't.  I struggled through the 2 miles and overcame the feat.

For New Years, instead of running 2 miles, I snowboarded.  Wow, I haven't snowboarded in about 5 years, so I was a little rusty.  But it was great exercise for my legs and I know I'm definitely going to feel the "hurt real bad" (check out Russell Peters on Youtube for the quote).  After February, I'm going to pick up the boarding again and try to increase my skills (i.e. in the terrain park).  We'll see, we'll see...

I hope that you all had a safe New Years and I wish you the best for 2009!  Stay warm and stay safe.  'Til tomorrow....

2 miles run; 33 minutes 347 calories burned.